We’re Moving Forward
It’s time to move beyond the disappointment and anger we feel over the outcome of November’s election. We need to keep that fire in the belly and start moving forward. And the place to start is right here at the local level. We need to do two things immediately:
1. We must continue to build our local Democratic Party by identifying, supporting and electing strong Democratic candidates for offices on the ballot in 2017.
We are looking for civic-minded Democrats to run for municipal offices in Tredyffrin. Positions on the 2017 ballot include:
a. Township Supervisor
b. School Board Director, for Tredyffrin-Easttown School District in Region 2
c. Election Officials – Judges of Elections and Inspectors in our 17 precincts
If you are a registered Democrat and you are interested in running for a local office, please contact Kathleen Keohane, Chair, TTDEMS.(eMail Kathleen or call her: 610-348-6834)
I welcome your questions.
Our committee can assist you in making your decision, and we’ll support you every step along the way.
At the county level, we need well-qualified Democrats committed to serving Chester County and ending the Republican stronghold on the row offices. The following are on the 2017 ballot:
a. Treasurer
b. Controller
c. Clerk of Courts
d. Coroner
e. Judge, Court of Common Pleas
Contact Brian McGinnis, Chair, Chester County Democratic Committee. eMail Brian
2. Now is the time to develop networks of concerned citizens to monitor all the members of Congress and State government representing our area, to track their performance and hold them accountable for their actions. We need to shine a bright light on the legislation they sponsor, the votes they take and the public comments they make.
Thank you for your interest and support!

New School Board Members Being Sworn in 2015