2021 Results: Words from your Chairman

Hello fellow Democrats,

I hope you are recovering after a long Election Day. Some folks may have walked out of the polls last night and felt a little queasy after seeing results that looked bad. But remember: those ribbons contained only the in-person votes cast, without any mail-in ballot numbers. Chester County has started counting mail-in ballots now, and results are looking very favorable!

While there are still some mail-in ballots to be counted, we can confidently say CONGRATULATIONS are in order for the following people:

  • Supervisor-elect David Miller, who defeated Nick Sarracino in both in-person and mail-in votes! He will be a wonderful successor to Kevin O’Nell on our Supervisors board.
  • Supervisors Matt Holt and Murph Wysocki were re-elected and will keep working for all Tredyffrin-ites in moving our community forward.
  • School Director-elect Dr. Yolanda Allen has soundly won the Region 1 seat and will succeed Rev. Scott Dorsey, becoming the first African-American woman to serve on the TE School Board!
  • School Director-elect Dr. Robert Singh will win Region 2 to succeed Rev. Kyle Boyer and become the first Asian-American to serve on the TE School Board. This victory also sends a clear message that the far-right are “Too Extreme For TE”!
  • Judge-elect Lauren Holt has won the MDJ seat in 15-4-01 and will continue the legacy of Judge Sondergaard by serving with honor and integrity for the residents of her magistrate!

We are still monitoring the following local races:

  • TESB Region 3: Maryann Piccioni and Susan Audrain are currently leading their GOP opponents, and while we are confident that will hold, we are waiting for some more counts.
  • MDJ 15-1-02: Mackenzie Smith is putting up a major fight against Tom Tartaglio, and is currently trailing by only 543 votes! This district was drawn for the GOP, and the fact that Tom is fighting for his life right now is a major deal. We’ll keep watching this race and cheering Mackenzie on.

Countywide races are very tight right now and all too close to call.

While our statewide candidates won Tredyffrin (including Timika Lane defeating Megan Sullivan Kampf in her own home precinct), the GOP are ahead statewide. The good news is that it won’t change the balance of either of the 3 courts.

THANK YOU to everyone who worked the polls yesterday, knocked doors, held meet-and-greets, organized rallies, made phone calls, sent texts, and talked to your friends and neighbors. Your efforts are what drives these local elections and can turn the tide against a merciless onslaught. For every Republican ranting on Facebook or yelling at a school board meeting, we had people talking to their neighbors, texting their friends, and knocking on doors doing the actual hard work. Thanks to you, Tredyffrin now leads the way for Democrats in Chester County and statewide.

Keep up on all the election results on the Chester County Election Results Page.

More posts will follow with final totals, but in the interim, I’m so proud to be your Chair and pledge to continue to advocate for Democrats throughout our area.

Thanks again,

Hans van Mol
Tredyffrin Township Democrats

Author: Steve Lane

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Paoli, PA 19301



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