Lies United: Debunking School Board Misinformation, Part 5
Part 5 in our series of posts debunking GOP lies about T/E’s School Board.
Lies United: Debunking School Board Misinformation, Part 4
Part 4 in our series of posts debunking GOP lies about T/E’s School Board.
Lies United: Debunking School Board Misinformation, Part 3
Part 3 in our series of posts debunking GOP lies about T/E’s School Board.
Lies United: Debunking School Board Misinformation, Part 2
Part 2 in our series of posts debunking GOP lies about T/E’s School Board.
Lies United: Debunking School Board Misinformation, Part 1
Recently an email went out to many school parents from a group called Neighbors United, a fictitious group that appears to be a front for the Tredyffrin Republican Committee and the “Conservative Women of the Main Line.”