Citizen’s Perspective Returns-Healthcare is October Topic
Health Care Medicare For All and Other Proposals We had a session on Health Care last March. But that seems like a lifetime ago and much has changed. Health Care continues to be a hot topic. There is important new information on health care costs. There is new survey data showing us what our fellow citizens are thinking. And it seems to be the first and biggest issue in the Democratic presidential debates. We will take another look...
Representative Shusterman on Gun Violence-Strong Regulations Save Lives
Listen to Representative Shusterman on Gun Violence Click here to see video
Be Proud of our Schools
Conestoga High School Leads PA with Forty-One National Merit Semifinalists Conestoga High School has again reported the most National Merit Semifinalists in all of Pennsylvania with forty-one this year. This recognition is based on the students’ performance on the 2018 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. National Merit Semifinalist recognition places students among the top 16,000 test takers which...
Absentee Ballot Request Now Online
Pennsylvanians can now apply for an absentee ballot online. Another big step forward in making it easier to vote. Go to:
Breakfast of Champions Fundraiser
Please join the TTDems for our fall fundraising event! This will be a breakfast event, the morning of Saturday, October 12, from 8:30 to 10:30 AM, in the historic Carriage House at the Upper Main Line Y. Adults are $40, kids $10. Tell your friends and neighbors! Come and meet candidates from our fall lineup, hit up the breakfast buffet, and mingle. Please sign up by following this link:...