National Police Week
Tredyffrin Democratic Committee Joins Representative Shusterman in Recognizing Police Officers and their Sacrifices #NationalPoliceWeek recognizes law enforcement officers that have lost their lives in the line of duty. As we commemorate their sacrifices this week, remember to be kind and look out for each other. Thank you, officers.
Last Chance to Vote by Absentee
The deadline for applications to be received by voter services is Tuesday, the 14th of May. But that is too late for you to complete the process of voting by the final deadline for your voted ballot to reach voter services of Friday, the 17th. If you will be unable to vote in person on the 21st of May, you must put your application in the mail now. Better yet drive to West Chester and you can vote at Voter Services now. Walk in with...
Sample Ballots for Primary on May 21st Now Available
See your sample ballot below. Ballots are available for all 17 Tredyffrin precincts. To find information on Tredyffrin Candidates, Info Sheet To find info on Chester County Candidates, Chester County Info
Digital Billboard-Attend the Zoning Board Meeting Postponed to May 29
Catalyst Outdoor Advertising has appealed the denial of its application for a zoning permit to digitize its advertising sign at the corner of Routes 252 and 30 in Paoli. The Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing to hear Catalyst’s appeals on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 7pm at the Township Building.
Conservation Voters Announce Endorsements
Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania endorse Marian Moskowitz for County Commissioner and Mark Freed, Sharon Humble, Julie Gosse and K.S. Bhaskar for Tredyffrin Township Supervisors.