Meet Matt Holt and Murph Wysocki-Tredyffrin Supervisor Candidates
An Opportunity to see neighbors and friends and meet our candidates for Township Supervisor. 25th of July 6:30 pm. At the home of Priya Roy and Jed Grobstein. Address is 5 Rochsolach Road in Paoli. Click here to see flyer.
Matthew Holt-Tredyffrin Township Supervisor At Large Candidate
See Matthew Holt discuss his priorities for Tredyffrin Township. Click here to see the video. To read about Matt and his background. Goto his webpage.
Democratic Events for July
Amidst phoning and attending rallies and writing letters, here are two events to attend in July. And a Save the Date Notice for the Fall. First up is the Citizen’s Forum for July. July 10 – PA Judges: Election or Merit Selection Topic has been changed to healthcare due to the continuing debate over the AHCA. Our monthly forum on issues important to citizens. Tredyffrin Public Library at 7:30 pm. Click here for Details. July 19...
Previously Leader of the Free World-Now Leader of Syria, Nicaragua, and the United States
So many things to say about President Trump dropping United States participation in the Paris Climate Accords. But you can read those on other pages. Suffice it to say “Elections have consequences.” Now it is up to you to take action. Call our representatives and ask them, “What are you doing to uphold the principles from the Paris Accords and stop our government from abandoning the remainder of the world? Will you...
Forum on Taxes and Tax Reform
Taxes and Tax Reform: A Foundation For Moving Forward Tredyffrin Library on 12 June 7 PM. All are Welcome. Click for detailed flyer.