Good Results on Primary Election Day
From Kathleen Keohane’s Statement Concerning the Primary Election A sincere Thank You to all the volunteers and voters who helped make this year’s Primary a successful election day. And an historic one too. For the first time ever, more Tredyffrin Democrats came out to vote than their Republican counterparts in every single one of our seventeen precincts. A total of 628 more Democrats, to be exact. There is no disputing the...
Polling Places Have Changed
Devon Prep voters now vote at Devon Senior Living Wayne United Church of Christ voters now vote at Valley Forge Elementary Questions? Call Chester County Voter Services at: Ph: 610-344-6410 Fx: 610-344-5682 or the TTDems hotline (484) 474-0570
Will you be in Tredyffrin on May 16th and ready to vote? If Not
Do you travel on business? Do you have vacation plans in May? Are you a caregiver who can be called away at a moment’s notice? Work outside Tredyffrin and may not be home by 8PM?
Elective Surgery in May? Physically not able to get to the poll?
Safeguard your right to vote. Apply for an absentee ballot.
Reception for Commonwealth Court Judicial Candidates Eagen and Ceisler
Please join the TTDEMS and Bob Dettore, Congressional Candidate for the PA 6th District At a reception for Todd Eagen and Judge Ellen Ceisler Judicial candidates for PA Commonwealth Court Tuesday, May 2, 2017 7-8:30 PM At McKenzie’s Brew House 324 Swedesford Rd., Berwyn Appetizers, sodas and beer will be provided RSVP to or 610-348-6834 This event is not a fundraiser. It is an opportunity to meet two candidates...
Citizen’s Forum on School Funding-Inadequate, Inequitable & Unconstitutional
Click here for more info