Desserts and more Desserts
The Tredyffrin Dems Fundraiser was last Friday. Great Desserts. Too many to even sample half. Daylin Leach and Dayle Steinberg talked about the importance of the upcoming election and our candidates discussed their efforts on the campaign trail. This slideshow requires JavaScript....
McGinty Stands Firm-Toomey FlipFlops
On important issues Mr. Toomey has problems deciding where he stands. These flipflops show his lack of leadership.
Improved Roads and Bridges near Tredyffrin
The opening ceremony for Sullivan’s Bridge in Valley Forge. Part of the project to replace the 422 bridges at Valley Forge.
Representative Warren Kampf stated that he could not take credit for the project. He was too modest. He voted against the funding for the project twice.
Clinton Ahead in Polls-Lets help her stay ahead-Volunteer
Opportunities to help the Clinton/McGinty Campaigns
Visit the new office in West Chester and volunteer. Address is 127 N. Church Street.
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