Public Officials Must Stand up and Be Counted-Costello silence is deafening
Mike Parrish, candidate for the House of Representatives, has called on Ryan Costello to take a stand. Costello’s silence when Donald Trump denigrates a Gold Star family should not be acceptable in our community.
Pat Toomey is not protecting Pennsylvanians
As we debate, grieve, talk, respond in horror about Orlando; here are two contrasting positions on guns.
Our Senator Pat Toomey voting against a bill to ban firearm sales to people on the terror watchlist.
President Obama speaks about gun control.
Blind Leading the Blind? Costello Backs Trump
Republican leaders from across the country have already stepped forward and denounced Donald Trump as their party’s nominee. What about our Representative in Congress?
Gerrymandering Bad for Voters and Government
Lets return to “Voters pick their representative-Not representatives picking their voters”.
Primary Election Results for Tredyffrin
Overall results for Pennsylvania and for the counties are available by clicking here.
Tredyffrin results available in full article.