Get to Know Your Tredyffrin Democratic Supervisor Candidates
We have four fantastic candidates for Supervisor running – read about their outstanding qualifications, and don’t forget to vote on November 3!
We’re Backin’ McCracken – Meet our Township Auditor Candidate
Meet Mary McCracken – the TTDems’ very qualified candidate for Township Auditor. Mary brings 30+ years of wide-ranging banking/financial services experience, including in municipal finance, to the position of Township Auditor.
LWV Forum for School Board and Supervisors
Miss the League of Women Voters “Meet the Candidates” forums for School Board and Supervisor? You can watch them on Tredyffrin Township Television or online at the TTTV Streaming Site.
Meet the Candidates
There are several opportunities to meet and support your favorite candidates between now and November 3. These are your best chance to understand the issues and the candidates’ positions.