Online voter registration now available in PA!
Great news – Pennsylvania residents can now register to vote on the web! The new online form can be used to register as a new PA voter as well as register a name change, change of address, or change of party. Thanks to Tom Wolf and his administration for delivering on this campaign promise!
George Anderson Withdraws from School Board Race
George Anderson has withdrawn his name as a candidate for School Board citing work and travel commitments.
The letter below appeared on Community Matters.
Tredyffrin Resident Joins race for US Senate
Joe Sestak has been joined by Katie McGinty in the race for the Democratic nomination to run against Pat Toomey for the US Senate. Katie McGinty is a resident of Tredyffrin Township.
for full info on both candidates
Fall Fundraiser Party September 28
Come to our September 28th Harvest Festival fundraiser!
Friday, September 28, 2012, 7-9 PM
Landmark Americana
629 West Lancaster Ave. (at corner of Old Eagle School Rd.)
Sen. Bob Casey and candidates Manan Trivedi, Kathleen Kane, and Paul Drucker are confirmed guests! Read more for details, registration, and flyer.
Tax Hoax Hokum
Tredyffrin Republicans are continuing their Great Earned Income Tax Hoax beyond election day. In a letter to the local press, Tredyffrin Twp. Republican Committee Chairman Michael Broadhurst and several of his precinct leaders offer no regrets for basely politicizing our school distric’st search for honest budget-crisis solutions. Moreover, Broadhurst and TTRC also persist in falsely conjuring the board’s study of an EIT into a Democratic conspiracy. The quickest way out of the TTRC fog and into square facts is simply hearing public comments from 2 members of their own party– 2 Republican leaders on the T/E school board– past president Betsy Fadem and chair of the board’s finance committee, Kevin Mahoney.