Get Ready to Vote this Tuesday, November 5th!
On November 5th Tredyffrin will be voting for three positions on the Board of Supervisors, and two School Board Directors. Click on the pictures below to get to know our fantastic Democratic candidates!
Needed: Supervisors with Solutions!
Needed: Solution-Oriented Township Supervisors
To meet today’s needs, Tredyffrin Township needs supervisors who bring relevant experience and creative ideas, and aim to solve problems. Laurie Elliott, Mark Freed, and Murph Wysocki will get our township back on track!
End One-Party Rule and Missed Opportunities in Tredyffrin!
Here’s a great letter in support of Murph Wysocki that appeared online in the Suburban on October 28th:
“Tredyffrin Township sits at a crossroads. We can choose to move forward and find practical solutions for business revitalization and improvement that preserve and protect our quality of life. Or, we can do what our current Township Board of Supervisors has done, which is to sit back and let opportunity pass us by.
School Board and Supervisor Debates Now Viewable Online
Miss the local School Board and Board of Supervisors candidate debates? You can now view both events online:
Republicans Just Raised Your Taxes Again
Hate to say we told you so, but Tredyffrin’s all-Republican Board of Supervisors just raised your taxes again. On Monday, December 19, after claiming to be committed to “holding the line on taxes,” the all-Republican Tredyffrin Board of Supervisors voted to raise property taxes by 3.5%. Once again the GOP trumpets an anti-tax stance before the elections, then raises taxes right after.
Tory Snyder’s Record of Volunteering for Tredyffrin, Record of Voting
In literature to voters, District 1 supervisor Paul Olson is questioning Democratic candidate Victoria “Tory” Snyder’s citizenship, saying she has poor attendance on election days. This is an old chestnut method of attack by Mr. Olson, and an attempt to obscure Tory Snyder’s long record of volunteer committee work for Tredyffrin. Tory is a professional land planner who has served on Tredyffrin’s Planning Commission for almost 10 years. Read more and learn about endorsements for Tory from members of Mr. Olson’s own party.