Getting To “YES” With Murph

Murph Wysocki YouTube ChannelAt-large supervisor candidate Murph Wysocki recently released another in his series of brief video messages. This one focuses on his vision for pushing along the Paoli Transit Center project and how much completing the project would mean financially to greater Tredyffrin. Murph, along with his teammates, supervisor candidates Molly Duffy and Tory Snyder, have all made economic revitalization major themes of their campaigns.

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Moving Tredyffrin in the right direction

Murph Wysocki photo linkSupervisor candidate Murph Wysocki shares his reasons for running and plans for working with the rest of the Democratic team to get Tredyffrin back on track.

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Why Not Tredyffrin?

Molly Duffy photolinkTory Snyder photolinkSupervisor candidates Molly Duffy and Tory Snyder share their smart, low-cost solutions for making Tredyffrin an even better place to live, work, build, and start a business.

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Tredyffrin Supervisors Vote to Amend Sidewalk Requirements- Finally

The vote was 5-2, with Bob Lamina and Paul Olson dissenting. After more than two hours of contentious discussion, Tredyffrin’s Board of Supervisors adopted a clear ordinance amendment on September 19 that requires sidewalks on certain busy roads. It only took three separate public hearings, a year-long study and recommendations by the supervisor-appointed Sidewalk Subcommittee and months of vetting by the Planning Commission before the measure was brought to a vote. You can watch the meeting here.

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Report On May Election Problems Finally Made Public

report by  Chester County Voter Services has finally been released that identifies the source of electronic vote counting problems in the May 17, 2011 Primary Election – an extra dark blue “color bar” printed on Republican ballots . The counting glitch caused confusion over a Special Election to fill a Tredyffrin Board of Supervisors seat, as Democrat Molly Duffy appeared to be the early victor but a recount eventually revealed that opponent Mike Heaberg had won by a two vote margin.

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Changes to November Slate of Candidates

Murph Wysocki portraitOn June 22, the Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee endorsed F. Michael “Murph” Wysocki to fill the role of candidate for At-Large Supervisor in the November election, after candidate Ernie Falcone had to bow out for personal reasons. Wysocki (left) will join Molly Duffy to contest the two open At-Large Supervisor seats.
John Cameron portraitIn addition, John Cameron (right), who received 943 write-in ballots in the May primary, will run as candidate for Township Auditor.
Read more on their professional and community experience.

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 251
Paoli, PA 19301


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