Single-Use Plastic Bag Survey

Single-Use Plastic Bag Survey

The Tredyffrin Township Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) is seeking resident feedback to present to local officials as to whether the community would be in favor or against a local ban on single use plastic bags. Please consider taking a minute to to fill out the survey. This questionnaire has been developed by the EAC to gather information from residents about single use plastic bags versus reusable bag usage. It does not require...

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New Supervisors Sworn In

New Supervisors Sworn In

On Monday, January 6, new Tredyffrin Supervisors Sharon Humble, K.S. Bhaskar and Julie Gosse (previously appointed, now elected) joined Supervisors Mark Freed, Kevin O’Nell, Matt Holt and current Chair Murph Wysocki. Congratulations to Tredyffrin’s new all-Democratic Board of Supervisors!

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Sample Ballots Are Here

Sample Ballots Are Here

Election is November 5-Find out what your ballot will look like on election day. Click here to see ballots   For all voter info-registration status, absentee ballots, finding a polling place- goto or for the absentee ballot request form, TTDEMS absentee ballot request 2019 GENERAL For information about candidates Who’s On My Ballot  ...

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New Supervisor Appointed to Fill Vacancy on Board

New Supervisor Appointed to Fill Vacancy on Board

Dr. Julie Gosse was appointed to the Board of Supervisors on Monday evening. She will serve the remaining 4 months of the term of Paul Olson. Mr. Olson moved out of Tredyffrin in June. His tenure on the Board is probably the longest in Tredyffrin history. Dr. Gosse has a Ph.D. from University of California, San Francisco and a B.S. in Biology and Biomedical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a...

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Tredyffrin Township Comprehensive Plan-Volunteers needed

Tredyffrin Township Comprehensive Plan-Volunteers needed

The 2020 Comprehensive Plan will be a policy tool to guide future growth and redevelopment in Tredyffrin Township. The plan will include goals and objectives, as well as recommendations for implementation in the areas of: land use, transportation, sidewalks and trails, historic preservation, housing needs, community facilities, and natural resources.  Plans are done every ten years. The last comprehensive plan was done in 2009/2010....

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Appointment of New Supervisor

Appointment of New Supervisor

Monday, 19 August at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors The board will appoint a new supervisor. Julie Gosse is one of the nominees for the position. Please attend the meeting and support Julie. Info about Julie Gosse 7 pm Keene Hall in the Township Building Agenda for the Meeting

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 251
Paoli, PA 19301


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