Last Chance to Sign Petitions and Meet Candidates
Petition signing
Hosts: Charles and Sandy Bennett
2017 Local and County Elections
We’re Moving Forward It’s time to move beyond the disappointment and anger we feel over the outcome of November’s election. We need to keep that fire in the belly and start moving forward. And the place to start is right here at the local level. We need to do two things immediately: 1. We must continue to build our local Democratic Party by identifying, supporting and electing strong Democratic candidates for offices on the ballot in...
The Phantom of Tredyffrin Politics-Earned Income Tax
Several candidates in this election are claiming to have saved Tredyffrin residents from an EIT tax. This is a myth. No candidate in this election cycle or in 2013 or in 2011 proposed an EIT as part of their campaign. Neither the school board nor the board of supervisors have had an agenda item or a motion on the EIT. It is easy to lead the fight against a phantom issue. The following is the statement from the Democratic supervisor and school board candidates about the EIT. It was submitted to Main Line News for publication.
Meet the Candidates
There are several opportunities to meet and support your favorite candidates between now and November 3. These are your best chance to understand the issues and the candidates’ positions.
Primary Results 2015
Primary day is over. Turnout was as predicted very light. In Tredyffrin just over 3000 people chose to come to the polls and vote. That is around 14% or 1 out of 7. Do you think such a small minority should be making decisions for our community?