Send Someone who has created jobs-Marian Moskowitz

From the Unionville Times 157th District: Marian Moskowitz, Democrat If it seems a bit like State Rep. Warren Kampf’s campaign has been scrambling, it is with good reason. Moskowitz is that rarity among Democrats: a proven entrepreneur and job creator, who played a strong role in the renaissance of Phoenixville. And Kampf’s attempt to lamely use a benign Tweet by Moskowitz to attack her over a potential tax hike demonstrates a...

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New Signs Popping Up in Tredyffrin

issue signs2 nov2014

issue signs nov2014

New signs showing up  around the Township. Our Representative  voted against Act 89 of 2013 which is funding road and bridge repairs and Transportation projects like the Paoli Train Station. Our Representative voted with Tom Corbett on the fracking bill which did not impose an extraction tax on the drillers. Vote on November 4 for new leadership and new ideas. Vote on November 4 for “we, the people” not big energy companies.

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Women of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania women have the power to change the future of their state, and their own lives, by voting in next month’s election. The question is, do they understand the high stakes that make their participation vital?

The women of Pennsylvania, more than five million strong, can and should be the decisive force in electing the policymakers who will determine the laws on issues like economic security, reproductive rights, domestic violence, and education. These issues affect women more than they do men. And poll after poll shows that women care more about these issues than men do.

See the entire article from the Philadelphia Inquirer. Click Here

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Kampf votes against Valley Creek and storm water control


Subdivision flooding bill

Our representative, Warren Kampf, voted for this bill. It removes protections for many streams across Pennsylvania including Valley Creek which crosses Tredyffrin.

Review the whole article from the Inquirer by clicking on the link.

Inquirer Article

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Illegal Re-Alignment of Precincts in 157th House Race

Chester County Voter Services Attempts To Tamper With Election

Obama won this precinct in 2012 by 322 to 174

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Come to our Harvest Festival and Meet the Candidates!

leaf-for-webYou are cordially invited to the TTDems 2014 Fall Fundraiser!

REGISTER NOW to enjoy wine, beer, soft drinks, hor d’oeuvres & desserts, plus meet candidates Marian Moskowitz (PA House) and Manan Trivedi (US House).  

When: Friday, October 24, from 7-9 PM
Home of Irl Barg and Janet Walkow, 461 Woodcrest Road, Wayne, PA 
Cost: $50/person

For a printable flyer, click here.

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 251
Paoli, PA 19301


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