Elections Matter-Newly elected Democrats Katie Muth and Melissa Shusterman Fight for Pennsylvanians
Senator Katie Muth represents parts of Chester and Montgomery Counties Melissa Shusterman represents Tredyffrin in the state...
Host a Coffee
Help the Candidates Meeting voters is crucial to the success of campaigns. The easiest way to meet voters is with neighborhood get-togethers. You can help by holding a coffee for your neighborhood. Elaborate is not needed. Put on the coffee pot and teakettle and a plate of cookies. We can supply a list of Democrats and Independents in your neighborhood for you to invite. Please call the hotline (484) 474-0570 or email...
Reminder: Forum on Redistricting Reform Monday at Tredyffrin Library
Join our public forum on Redistricting reform Monday, Jan. 9 at 7:30 pm at the Tredyffrin Library. Learn what you can do to fight gerrymandering!
West Chester Office Open House-Representative Houlahan
You’re invited to our West Chester Office for light refreshments and conversation to celebrate our presence in the community and learn more about the kind of work our office does and how we can best be of service to you. I’m proud of the team we’ve put together and look forward to introducing them to you. Date: 6/1/19 Time: 10:00am – 11:30am Location: West Chester Office, 709 E. Gay Street, Suite 4 West...
Digital Billboard-Attend the Zoning Board Meeting Postponed to May 29
Catalyst Outdoor Advertising has appealed the denial of its application for a zoning permit to digitize its advertising sign at the corner of Routes 252 and 30 in Paoli. The Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing to hear Catalyst’s appeals on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 7pm at the Township Building.
Common Sense Gun Laws-Topic for Next Citizen’s Forum
Monday May 13 7:30 – 9pm at the Tredyffrin Library 582 Upper Gulph Road, Wayne Common Sense Gun Laws For complete details, Common Sense Gun Laws Representative Melissa Shusterman has stated her willingness to enact legislation sensible gun control. https://www.melissashusterman.com/cms/gun-violence/