Day of Action-Help Melissa and Chrissy and Kathi Cozzone

Day of Action-Help Melissa and Chrissy and Kathi Cozzone

Tredyffrin Wide Canvassing Event Scheduled for April 28 Volunteers Needed. Join other Tredyffrin Dems as we knock on doors throughout the township to “Get Out the Vote” and to tell voters about our great candidates. Bring a friend. Meet at 10 am or at 1 pm. at Wilson Park-the parking lot to the immediate right from the Lee Rd. entrance. Look for the blue balloons. Script, Literature, and Walklist will be provided. We have...

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School Board and Supervisors Pass Gun Safety Resolutions

School Board and Supervisors Pass Gun Safety Resolutions

In March both the Board of Supervisors and the TE School Board passed resolutions unanimously calling for Gun Safety Measures to protect the citizens of Tredyffrin and the school children of TE. The Easttown Board of Supervisors has not passed a gun safety resolution. Tredyffrin Board of Supervisors The action part of resolution 2018-09 passed by the Tredyffrin Board of Supervisors.  NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tredyffrin...

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Defend Mueller-Excoriate Pruitt-Speak your Mind-Keep up the Pressure

Defend Mueller-Excoriate Pruitt-Speak your Mind-Keep up the Pressure

Postcard Writing Event Sunday, April 22 Costello cracked under the pressure. Now increase it by attending the postcard event on April 22.

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Time to Make a Plan to Vote

Time to Make a Plan to Vote

Primary is 15 May. 5 weeks away. Do you have travel plans for that week? Business Meeting? Long Weekend somewhere? Kids still away at school? Now is the time to check your schedule and apply for an absentee ballot if needed. Voter Services will mail your ballot to you starting around April 15 if you have applied for an absentee ballot. Help with Absentee Ballot Process Form with Instructions

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Sensible Gun Control from Pennsylvania Legislature?

Sensible Gun Control from Pennsylvania Legislature?

From the Inquirer this morning: The state Senate voted unanimously to tighten gun regulation in cases of domestic abuse and for those slapped with protection-from-abuse orders. That’s right. Gun regulation. In Pennsylvania. The measure (SB 501), sponsored by state Sen. Tom Killion (R., Chester), requires those convicted of domestic abuse to relinquish firearms within 48 hours to law enforcement, their lawyer, or a licensed gun dealer....

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Citizen’s Forum in April-Campaign Finance

Citizen’s Forum in April-Campaign Finance

Too much money in politics? Citizen United decision still stuck in your craw? Big Donors have too much influence and access? On April 9 come to the Tredyffrin Library for the April Citizen’s Forum on Campaign Finance. Click on link for details. Our Political System – For Sale  

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 251
Paoli, PA 19301


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