Tredyffrin Democrats Win Two Seats in November 8th Election
Tredyffrin Democratic candidates prevailed in two of the local races in yesterday’s election.
“Root Cause” Of School Budget Crisis
Don’t believe the sign. There is no earned income tax question on the ballot. The school board is grappling with a serious budget shortfall and their tax study group of citizen volunteers held a public meeting on November 3 to report on the revenue implications of an earned income tax, which would require voter approval for enactment. Read more for School Board President Karen Cruickshank’s recommendation on attacking the “root cause” of the school funding crisis.
T/E School Board President to Harrisburg: “Fix Your Mess!”
School Board President Karen Cruickshank is urging school districts to band together and spread the word about how Harrisburg’s changes in state employee pension rules are bankrupting schools. Read the Tredyffrin-Easttown Patch article here.
Where Were the Republican School Board Candidates?
A story in the Tredyffrin-Easttown Patch reports that two of the Republican School Board Candidates – Tara LaFiura (Region 1) and Liz Mercogliano (Region 2) – simply had better things to do then attend the only School Board debate for this election.
Tredyffrin Republicans Spread Misinformation on EIT
Yesterday many households received a mailer that said Tredyffrin Democrats had started the process to create an earned income tax (EIT). THIS IS TOTALLY UNTRUE.
Candidate Debates Viewable Online
For those of you who missed them, the League of Women Voters-sponsored candidate debates are now viewable online as streaming video.