Election Results for November 7, 2017 General Election
Sweep A night of results that most still have trouble believing. 12 out of 12. All 3 Supervisor Candidates Won. All 4 School Board Candidates Won. All 4 County Row Candidates Won. Analisa Sondergaard was re-elected as Magisterial Justice. You can check all vote totals for all Chester County Races at the Voter Services website. Click here. You can check state wide returns for judges. Click here. Voter turnout for the county was a...
Yes Kyle Boyer Can and Will Serve on the School Board
Republican candidate Doug Anestad has sent out multiple mailers telling voters “Kyle Boyer can’t serve on the T/E School Board.” Whether misinformed or deliberately misinforming voters, he is WRONG! Here is the official position of the T/E school district, as stated by the TESD solicitor, Ken Roos. View Video. FACT: Kyle Boyer is well-qualified and able to serve as a school board director. If elected, he will resign from...
Fall Fundraiser-The Final Lap of 2017 Campaigns
Our local candidates are heading into the FINAL LAP of the 2017 cycle. It’s time to “punch the throttle” and bring home the checkered flag for Tredyffrin Democrats! Help us raise the funds to make this win happen, and enjoy an outstanding dinner and program. Register by clicking here. Or print and send in the registration form.
Summer Picnic Hot and Fun
It was a great turnout for burgers, hot dogs, and summer salads on Wednesday Evening in Wilson Farm Park. An enjoyable evening talking to friends, meeting new folks, and shaking hands with candidates. Enjoy the pictures. This slideshow requires JavaScript. ...
Good Results on Primary Election Day
From Kathleen Keohane’s Statement Concerning the Primary Election A sincere Thank You to all the volunteers and voters who helped make this year’s Primary a successful election day. And an historic one too. For the first time ever, more Tredyffrin Democrats came out to vote than their Republican counterparts in every single one of our seventeen precincts. A total of 628 more Democrats, to be exact. There is no disputing the...
Citizen’s Forum on School Funding-Inadequate, Inequitable & Unconstitutional
Click here for more info