Tredyffrin Easttown School Board Decision Making Process

te school board agenda item 2015feb

ACA Update

If you saw the above on a school board meeting agenda, which of the following would you expect to have presented.

  1. Apresentation about changes to healthcare costs and benefits in the  2nd year of the ACA?
  2. A vote on over $1 million in potential health care costs and radical changes to the employment of 73 current school distict employees.

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Tredyffrin Township Elections in 2015


2015 will be an election year for township supervisors and the school board. The Tredyffrin Democratic Committee is looking for candidates to run for these positions.

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Website ranks T/E School District as 3rd Best in Nation

Conestoga_croppedTredyffrin-Easttown came in 3rd in Niche’s ranking of the top school districts in the United States! To view the top 10 districts, click here.  For their report on our T/E district, click here.

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News coverage of our “historic night!”

Read all about our victories in the local election:

Kevin Headshot cropped_no_bkgd_120x150_noresample copy

Scott_Dorsey_130806_TTDems_068_nobkgd._wtxt_120x150 copyMurph_headshot_120x150_actual_lessws copyMark Freed no Background_120x150ratio copy

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Unofficial result – TTDems win 4 out of 5 races!

Unofficial results are now posted on the Chester County Voter Services website and it appears we’ve won 4 out of 5 races in Tredyffrin!

Murph Wysocki and Mark Freed won seats as Supervisors at Large, and Kevin Buraks and Scott Dorsey won for School Board.  Our Supervisor Candidate for the heavily Republican Middle District, Laurie Elliott, came within 48 votes of winning – a great showing all around!

We told you – when Democrats vote, Democrats win! A big thank you to all who ran, helped, and voted in this election!

For cumulative election results click here.

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Every Single Tredyffrin Tax Increase in History Has Been Brought to You By the GOP

Tredyffrin Republicans would have you believe that the Democratic candidates want to raise your taxes and impose an EIT. Our campaign to educate the public about their Tea Party-linked candidates is working (notice they don’t deny it), so they recycling the same lies they used in the last election to distract voters (remember the no EIT signs?). Here are some facts you should know before voting tomorrow: 1) We have an...

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 251
Paoli, PA 19301


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