Don’t Be Fooled – Tea Party Enthusiasts on Republican Ballot

TeaBag2The Tea Party wing of the Republican Party, which brought us the recent government shutdown, has a plan to groom and run extreme, zealously conservative candidates in local races.  It’s a strategy in play in Tredyffrin, and we need your help to stop it!

On the November 5 ballot both Republican school board candidates from Tredyffrin are Tea Party devotees: Pete Connors is running in Region 1 against our Kevin Buraks, incumbent and current school board President. In Region 2, Republican Rich Brake is is running for re-election, challenged by our Scott Dorsey. Both Republican candidates are being marketed to voters as mainstream individuals, but their political footprints tell an entirely different story.

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School Board and Supervisor Debates Now Viewable Online

Miss the local School Board and Board of Supervisors candidate debates? You can now view both events online:

T/E School Board Debate

Tredyffrin Supervisors Debate

Kevin Headshot cropped_no_bkgd_120x150_noresample copyScott_Dorsey_130806_TTDems_068_nobkgd._wtxt_120x150 copyLaurie tall Headshot wht_bkgd_GC_RMH_120x150_actual_wtxt copyMark Freed no Background_120x150ratio copyMurph_headshot_120x150_actual_lessws copy

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School Board Budget Workshop Monday, March 19

On Monday, March 19, 2012, the Tredyffrin/Easttown School Board will hold a public Budget Workshop focusing on key aspects of the budget including 2012-2013 enrollments and needed staffing, revenue projections, and state and federal funding. The Budget Workshop will also include presentations on the PSERS funding crisis and the impact on Pennsylvania school districts.

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School Board Financial Presentation tomorrow

Did you know that there’s over a $6 million hole in the upcoming T/E school budget and that the District has already made over $10 million in cuts over the last 2 years? Find out more about funding issues in our school at a PTO-sponsored event at Hillside next Tuesday.

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Anatomy Of A Slime

String of Lying TTRC CardsPosted earlier is a condemnation of the deceptive practices used by Tredyffrin Township Republicans in this year’s school board election, with a thoughtful commentary on how it affects a community needing to solve a school funding crisis. Here is quick documentary proof that the statements used against TTDem school board candidates were not merely misleading, but outright fabrications—knowingly repeated in mailings and handouts from the Tredyffrin Township Republican Committee. Read more for a case study in deceptive language.

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TTDems Chair Comments On November 8th Election Results

Dariel Jamieson offers congratulations to all the winners and pledges that Tredyffrin Democrats will continue to help move the Township forward in these challenging times.

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 251
Paoli, PA 19301


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