1600 Outstanding Ballots
Tredyffrin Democratic voters continue to use Vote by Mail in large numbers. Over 2400 applied to vote by mail in the primary. 800 have returned their ballot. But that still leaves 1600 outstanding. If you are one of those 1600, please take your ballot to the Easttown Library or other drop box today.
Why Elections Matter
U.S. Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan said the news from SCOTUS brought urgency to pending legislation, the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify the Roe v. Wade decision into federal law.
Election Day Workers Are Key Components of Free Fair Smooth Elections
Turmoil on Election Day. Long Lines. People Leaving before Voting. Accusations of unfair practices. Unhappy voters who may not vote in future elections. None of us want to see problems at the poll. You can help. Poll Workers are needed on election day both primary and general. In 2022 that means May 17 and November 8. You can apply by calling or emailing. 610-344-6410 or pollworkers@chesco.org. Need more info before volunteering....
2022 Primary Election Sample Ballots are Here
Sample ballots for the 2022 Primary elections are here!
Tredyffrin Township Annual Report 2021
A look at the people and activities that happened in 2021. Check it out. Annual Report (tredyffrin.org)
Petition Signing, Part 2 starts NOW!
Our final petitioning event for State Representative and Democratic State Committee is this Sunday. Help our great candidates get on the ballot!