Blind Leading the Blind? Costello Backs Trump

Blind Leading the Blind? Costello Backs Trump

Republican leaders from across the country have already stepped forward and denounced Donald Trump as their party’s nominee.  What about our Representative in Congress?
parrish trump costello toomey banner

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Pat Toomey Not Protecting Pennsylvanians

Pat Toomey Not Protecting Pennsylvanians

GMO Labeling

Pennsylvania has not passed a GMO labeling law, but Pat Toomey is trying to take away your “right to know”.

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Pat Toomey is not Doing his Job

Pat Toomey is not Doing his Job

Supreme Court Nomination

In a recent interview, Toomey downplayed concerns about leaving a court seat open for roughly a year, and the potential for gridlock on the court.

He told the AP: “It’s not that big a deal.”

It is a big deal.

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In 2016 Vote No on Toomey

In 2016 Vote No on Toomey

Senator Toomey was busy this past week voting against Pennsylvanians.

Do you think people on the terror watch list should be able to purchase guns? Senator Toomey voted against this common sense provision.

Do you think our Legislators should stop trying to repeal the ACA? They could be working on the budget or terror or tax reform. Not Senator Toomey.

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Tredyffrin Resident Joins race for US Senate

Tredyffrin Resident Joins race for US Senate

Joe Sestak has been joined by Katie McGinty in the race for the Democratic nomination to run against Pat Toomey for the US Senate. Katie McGinty is a resident of Tredyffrin Township.
for full info on both candidates

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Senator Toomey Votes Against Pennsylvanians Again

Senator Toomey Votes Against Pennsylvanians Again

congressional coat of arms

On Student loans, on access to benefits, on improving our infrastructure Toomey says NO.

Do you have family members with student loans? Do you think student struggling with student debt should be able to refinance to a lower rate?
Pat Toomey does not.
Should legally married people have access to Veteran’s benefits and Social Security spousal benefits?
Pat Toomey does not.
Pennsylvania has the most bridges in the country rated deficient. Think our roads and bridges could use repairs and upgrades? Think Pennsylvanians could use the jobs repairing those roads and bridges.
Pat Toomey does not.

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