Dems Close Chesco Registration Gap To Near Parity

Democrats have been narrowing the Republican advantage in voter registrations in Chester County, and the pace has picked up in recent years. Not so long ago, Republicans had an advantage of 30,000 additional registered voters. As late as last fall the gap stood over 8000, but as of March 7, 2020 the gap was down to 2955, and a week later it had dropped to just 2052. In the last week of February alone, over 2000 Republican and Independent/Other voters changed their registration to Democratic. “At that rate, the Chester County Democratic Committee (CCDC) expects the gap to completely close or for Democrats to zoom ahead of the Republican numbers,” notes a recent CCDC posting.

Here in Tredyffrin, the Democratic advantage in voter registrations has widened to about 1200 (9600 vs 8400, with an additional 4000 or so Other/Independent — a 43/38% advantage). About two years ago, the numbers were a virtual tie, at about 41% each for D and R and 18% Other.

And as you make your plans to vote in the primary, please remember Pennsylvania’s new, “no-fault” mail-in voting. Consider applying for a mail-in ballot now to make voting easy and ensure your vote will be counted.

Author: TTDem Committee

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