End One-Party Rule and Missed Opportunities in Tredyffrin!

Murph_headshot_120x150_actual_lessws copyHere’s a great letter in support of Supervisor candidate Murph Wysocki that appeared online in the Suburban on October 28th:

“Tredyffrin Township sits at a crossroads. We can choose to move forward and find practical solutions for business revitalization and improvement that preserve and protect our quality of life. Or, we can do what our current Township Board of Supervisors has done, which is to sit back and let opportunity pass us by.

The results of this inertia and inaction are obvious from the empty storefronts in Chesterbrook to a still un-revitalized Paoli Town Center. How many more decades will we need to wait for a new Paoli train station? In the meantime, surrounding townships move forward and flourish at our expense.

Our monolithic, single-party Town Board has allowed a narrow political agenda to trump the needs of our community. Make no mistake, our community needs neighborhood friendly development that fosters business growth and reduces the tax burden on our residents. But that sort of development requires a Board willing to listen to its residents and lead the community forward. That is not the case with the current Board as my fellow Brookmead Farms and Glenhardie neighbors can attest. When the Board has taken the lead, it’s usually in lock step with a developer and over the objections of its residents.

I support and will vote for Murph Wysocki for Township Supervisor on November 5, because he has the vision and practical experience we need to solve the real world issues our township faces. I hope my friends and neighbors in Tredyffrin will join me and support him as well.


Jim McKinley”

Author: admin

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
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Paoli, PA 19301



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