Every Single Tredyffrin Tax Increase in History Has Been Brought to You By the GOP

TeaBag2Tredyffrin Republicans would have you believe that the Democratic candidates want to raise your taxes and impose an EIT. Our campaign to educate the public about their Tea Party-linked candidates is working (notice they don’t deny it), so they recycling the same lies they used in the last election to distract voters (remember the no EIT signs?).

Here are some facts you should know before voting tomorrow:

1) We have an all-Republican Board of Supervisors and a majority Republican School Board (six of nine seats), and there’s never been a Democratic majority on either.  That means that EVERY SINGLE TAX INCREASE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED IN TREDYFFRIN HAS COME TO YOU COURTESY OF THE GOP.

2) The all-Republican Board of Supervisors has raised your taxes and fees in five of the last six years, while letting services decline and slashing police by 20%.

2)  The idea of an EIT was originally proposed by Republicans, and the Democratic School Board members opposed it – see our 2011 post here. The Tredyffrin GOP can’t even be bothered to change tactics from one election to another.

Don’t be distracted – come out and vote Democratic on November 5th!  Keep the Tea Party from running our schools and stop our township’s decline!

Author: admin

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Paoli, PA 19301



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