Upcoming Events

A public hearing to consider and possibly enact Ordinance HR-488 to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire all or a portion of the real property located at 355 Chase Road (UPI No. 43-5-32.3A) for a public park for recreation for use by the general public.
This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid manner. You can attend in-person at the Township Building or you can participate via Zoom:
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BQ0CvlKZTHyoGkI9Lsa9eA
Board of Supervisors – Special Meeting | Event Calendar | Tredyffrin Township

Regular School Board meetings are live-streamed on the T/E School District YouTube Channel, TETV on-line and local access cable on Comcast Channel 20 and Verizon Channel 14.
Click on the meeting date below to view the meeting materials once they become available.
Meeting Dates, Agendas, Minutes and Videos / Regular School Board Meetings

It’s time to get EGG-CITED for Tredyffrin Township’s Egg Hunt!
Join us on Saturday, April 12, 2025 at 10am for lots of fun, face painting, music & more!
The hunt will begin PROMPTLY at 10:15. Please plan to arrive early. Children will be divided into age groups; please check for age group signs when you arrive to the field.
Bring your own basket to gather lots of EGG-CELENT treats!
No registration necessary.
Rain date: Sunday, April 13, 2025

The public meetings of the Board of Supervisors are held once or twice a month on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise advertised or posted on the Tredyffrin Township calendar on the website.
Schedule of meetings can be found on this site: Board of Supervisors | Tredyffrin Township

Regular School Board meetings are live-streamed on the T/E School District YouTube Channel, TETV on-line and local access cable on Comcast Channel 20 and Verizon Channel 14.
Click on the meeting date below to view the meeting materials once they become available.
Meeting Dates, Agendas, Minutes and Videos / Regular School Board Meetings

The public meetings of the Board of Supervisors are held once or twice a month on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise advertised or posted on the Tredyffrin Township calendar on the website.
Schedule of meetings can be found on this site: Board of Supervisors | Tredyffrin Township

Regular School Board meetings are live-streamed on the T/E School District YouTube Channel, TETV on-line and local access cable on Comcast Channel 20 and Verizon Channel 14.
Click on the meeting date below to view the meeting materials once they become available.
Meeting Dates, Agendas, Minutes and Videos / Regular School Board Meetings

Regular School Board meetings are live-streamed on the T/E School District YouTube Channel, TETV on-line and local access cable on Comcast Channel 20 and Verizon Channel 14.
Click on the meeting date below to view the meeting materials once they become available.
Meeting Dates, Agendas, Minutes and Videos / Regular School Board Meetings

Our Summer Concert Series kicks off on Thursday, June 12th at 7 PM at the Shire Pavilion in Wilson Farm Park (weather permitting)! Bring the whole family & enjoy the evening rocking to some of your favorites plus original tunes!
June 12, 19, 20
July 10, 17, 24
Sept 4
See the Concert Series here: Event Calendar | Tredyffrin Township

The public meetings of the Board of Supervisors are held once or twice a month on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise advertised or posted on the Tredyffrin Township calendar on the website.
Schedule of meetings can be found on this site: Board of Supervisors | Tredyffrin Township