Historic Decision from the Supreme Court
Reactions from Elected Officials
Gov. Wolf, a Democrat, praised the ruling – ” `Gay marriage’ is now simply marriage” – while Gov. Christie, a Republican, grudgingly agreed to comply. “I don’t agree with the way it was done,” he said. “But it’s been done, and those of us who take an oath have a responsibility to abide by that oath.”
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane, who in 2013 refused to defend the state’s same-sex marriage ban, said the ruling “is a victory not only for same-sex couples, their families and children, but affirms the rights of all citizens for equal treatment under the law.”
President Obama called the Supreme Court decision requiring states to recognize same-sex marriage “a victory for America.”
“Our nation was founded on a bedrock principle that we are all created equal. The project of each generation is to bridge the meaning of those founding words with the realities of changing times,” he said Friday.