Needed: Supervisors with Solutions!

Needed:  Solution-Oriented Township Supervisors

To meet today’s needs, Tredyffrin Township needs supervisors who bring relevant experience and creative ideas, and aim to solve problems.

There are good reasons why Laurie Elliott, Mark Freed, and Murph Wysocki stepped forward to run.

From their experience, they saw community needs and said, “I can help fix that. I know about those issues. I can make it better.

Facts on Township Needs

Public Safety–Police
There have been significant reductions in budgeted staff for township police, and we are still staffing below budget.  There has been a 20% reduction since 2008 in “sworn officers” in the police department, as well as cuts in civilian staff.
Meanwhile, this article shows our Chief of Police, Anthony Giaimo, saying burglaries are on the rise.  More recently, this article tallied 51 burglaries to date in our township.
In addition, the Board of Supervisors has allowed an unfunded liability of $40 million related to police retirement cost to accumulate, which we are now having to fund at a faster pace than we would have if contributions had been maintained.

Public Safety–Roads
The state of disrepair of our roads has been decried by the Township’s own Director of Public Works, Scott Cannon as this article shows.  After Scott’s public outcry, approximately $750,000 was mysteriously found to pave more roads this year–just in time for the election.

Economic Redevelopment
Regarding missed opportunities for economic development, a prime example is the slow progress on the Paoli Transit Center.  This news article has the current all-Republican supervisors touting the number of times they have gone to Harrisburg to lobby our elected officials for Paoli transit.  Yet they have not even been able to convince their former colleague, past Tredyffrin supervisor, now State Rep. Warren Kampf to vote for the transportation bill that would provide funding for the Paoli Transit Center.

Another need is finding a new use for Chesterbrook Village.  There has been no communication from the Township in the three years since Genuardi’s grocery closed in 2010.

Simple topography shows Tredyffrin Township occupies 2 steep, erosion-prone ridges above a valley.  Flooding repeatedly occurs in many parts of the Township – like Glenhardie, Mill road, the areas around Trout Creek, Crabby Creek and others.  This article shows examples.

Solutions:  Qualified and Dedicated Democratic Candidates
Here is the team to address those community needs and more.  They have creative ideas, commitment, and an action plan.  Please support them and tell your neighbors.

  • Murph Wysocki – Commercial real estate attorney with 30-plus years experience structuring and closing complex transactions.
  • Mark Freed – Environmental attorney who has worked with developers, communities and municipalities both in private practice and as government lawyer.
  • Laurie Elliott – Businessperson, conservationist and community advocate who will listen and respond to all resident concerns.

Author: admin

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 251
Paoli, PA 19301


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