Dr. Julie Gosse was appointed to the Board of Supervisors on Monday evening. She will serve the remaining 4 months of the term of Paul Olson. Mr. Olson moved out of Tredyffrin in June. His tenure on the Board is probably the longest in Tredyffrin history.
Dr. Gosse has a Ph.D. from University of California, San Francisco and a B.S. in Biology and Biomedical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a second-generation Tredyffrin resident and Conestoga High School alum. She and her husband Nate have three children. She is an entrepreneur by nature, establishing a science consultancy and running a photography business.

Julie Gosse being sworn an Tredyffrin Township Supervisor
Tredyffrin Dems support her as she embarks on her duties keeping Tredyffrin a wonderful place to live and raise a family.