Mike Parrish, candidate for the House of Representatives, has called on Ryan Costello to take a stand. Costello’s silence when Donald Trump denigrates a Gold Star family should not be acceptable in our community.
Here is his statement:
Today, I am not writing to ask you to contribute or volunteer for my campaign. I am writing to talk to you about an issue that is deeply important to me – standing up for Veterans and military families. We have all watched with horror over the past few days as Republican Presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has viciously attacked the Khans, who have sacrificed so much for our country. We cannot know the pain that the Khans have experienced, but we can admire their courage in standing up and honoring their son’s memory.
As a Veteran and Colonel in the Army Reserves, I take deep offense to Trump’s attacks. More than that, I am troubled and offended by Donald Trump’s proposals to reform the VA and move toward privatization. These proposals have been criticized by veterans’ groups, like the VFW and AMVETS, who generally oppose any effort to privatize the VA. There is a good reason for their opposition. Privatization would deprive Veterans of the comprehensive, specialized care they need, care which they have earned through bravery and sacrifice for our nation.
Unfortunately, my opponent, Ryan Costello, not only supports and endorses Donald Trump for President, he is Trump’s ally in the push to privatize Veterans’ healthcare. Mr. Costello may claim that he opposes privatization, but his record tells a different story. He has supported Speaker Ryan’s budget, which deepens the arbitrary budget cuts that began with sequestration. These cuts weaken the VA and hurt Veterans healthcare. At the same time, Mr. Costello has co-sponsored legislation, opposed by Veterans groups such as the VFW, American Legion, and Disabled American Veterans to name a few, that will push the VA toward privatization, while accepting over $250,000 in special interest money from those who will make huge profits if Veterans’ healthcare were to be successfully privatized.
This is unacceptable. As a service disabled Veteran myself, I understand the specialized nature of the comprehensive, coordinated care the VA provides. I have received excellent care at the VA in Coatesville, care that is superior to that which I have received from private healthcare providers. The VA system is not without problems, and in Congress I will lead the way to fix those problems without trying to turn the VA into a profit machine for special interests at the cost of Veterans and taxpayers.
This is an important issue, and the voters need to know where my opponent and his preferred Presidential candidate really stand. I truly believe that standing with Veterans and military families is as important to you as it is to me. Thank you for your continued support.
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