Recount Complete

From David Rhoads of CCDC with info about the recount. First the action info.












Now news about the recount and the people involved.

Items of  Interest
  • This afternoon, one couple came to observe the recount.  It turns out they are Green Party members from Fort Worth, Texas.  They came specifically to participate in the recount.  (He confessed that he got free airfare since he worked for American Airlines.)
  • Another couple came from Columbia, MD to participate in the recount.
  • About 40 people showed up this afternoon including four people on CCDC’s Executive Committee as well as a number of Committee People and a great many volunteers from all over the county.
  • In case you didn’t read it earlier, the recount was done on 143 precincts in Chester County (62%).  The total ballots cast in these precincts was about 191,000.
  • I briefly observed the recount at one table.  I was amazed at the number of ballots which were marked either Trump / McGinty or Clinton / Toomey in addition to the expected Trump / Toomey and Clinton / McGinty.
  • The people who actually did the recount (as compared with our people who were observers) were a mixture of Voter Services employees, county employees and temp workers. There were 80 to 100 of them counting on Friday and Saturday.
  • We need to thank Kara Rahn and her staff at Voter Services for their efforts.  This election season has been an extraordinary one for them.
  • Lani Frank, Vice Chair of CCDC, was still there this afternoon.  She has tirelessly managed our team, giving directions, communicating with the Voter Services staff, with both the Green Party and the Democratic Party including lawyers for both, and on and on.  She has been there throughout this whole recount process, beginning with the collection of the affidavits 10 days ago.  Thank you, Lani!!

A tremendous thank you to all of you who showed up to help.   We appreciate it.  We couldn’t have done this without you. 





Author: TTDem Committee

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
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Paoli, PA 19301


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