May 21 will be here in 2 months. The last day to register to vote is April 22. One month away. The last day to apply for an absentee ballot is May 14th, but the last practical date is around May 8th. Now is the time to make a plan to vote. Now is the time to check your calendar and see if you might need to vote absentee. Now is the time to check with college age kids about their plan for May 21. Will they be home from school? Now is when we make a statement against President Trump and policies which hurt our citizens. Now is when we tell the Republican Party that policies which take away health insurance or give huge tax breaks to the wealthy are not acceptable. This year we elect Township Supervisors, School Board Directors, 2 Chester County Commissioners, Judges for several different Pennsylvania courts, and 5 Chester County offices-Sheriff, Register of Wills, Clerk of Courts, Prothonotary, and District Attorney.
Where did Representative Ryan Costello get his start in politics? As Chester County Clerk of Courts. The Democratic Party needs a strong and diverse farm team. This is the year to build that team.
Voter Registration is now online. Register to vote.
Unfortunately absentee voting still involves paper and an envelope and a stamp. Think of it as a moment of Retro-ism.
Click the link below NOW. Forward the Absentee Ballot Application to everyone you know and urge them to check their calendar.
TTDEMS absentee ballot request 2019 PRIMARY