A Citizen’s Perspective
A Monthly Forum to Discuss Current Issues
2nd Monday of the month
7:30 – 9pm at the Tredyffrin Library
Topic for Monday June 10 – Redistricting Reform Update
Carol Kuniholm, chair and co-founder of Fair Districts PA will join us Monday June 10 to give us an update on what has been achieved, the new challenges we face, and how we can all contribute to moving this vitally important issue forward.
Please join us as we discuss the challenges we face in Redistricting Reform here in Pennsylvania and the practical solutions being proposed.
The session will start at 7:30pm, but we have the room starting at 7:00pm, so, please come a few minutes early for some casual discussion.
Please feel free to share this invitation broadly—all are welcome as this issue is non-partisan. We hope you can join us…and bring a friend or two.
Any questions, please contact Jerry Henige, jhenige@verizon.net, 610 341-0756
7:30-9 pm
Tredyffrin Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Wayne
We have the room starting at 7pm, so come a few minutes early for some casual discussion.
Hope you can come and get others to come as well.
Here is a link to the Fair Districts PA web site: https://www.fairdistrictspa.com/
Any questions, please contact Jerry Henige, jhenige@verizon.net, 610 341-0756
See State Senator Daylin Leach talk about redistricting. View video

Pennsylvania 7th Congressional District. One of the most gerrymandered in the USA.