Send Someone who has created jobs-Marian Moskowitz

From the Unionville Times

157th District: Marian Moskowitz, Democrat

If it seems a bit like State Rep. Warren Kampf’s campaign has been scrambling, it is with good reason. Moskowitz is that rarity among Democrats: a proven entrepreneur and job creator, who played a strong role in the renaissance of Phoenixville. And Kampf’s attempt to lamely use a benign Tweet by Moskowitz to attack her over a potential tax hike demonstrates a character problem — another voice that could improve the dialog in Harrisburg by being removed.

Granted, Kampf, in his four years in General Assembly was a strong supporter of liquor privatization, a prime sponsor of one failed bill in that effort, and for reducing the size of the legislature, both laudable initiatives. Neither, though, went anywhere. Nor was there progress on solving the public pension crisis. Other of his votes — anti abortion votes, expansion of red light cameras (little more than a technology-driven tax lottery than a real law enforcement measure) and more that are deeply out of step with his district.

With Pennsylvania now among the worst states in the entire U.S. when it comes to job creation, it makes a lot of sense to send someone who has created a number of private sector jobs, which why we think Marian Moskowitz is the best choice for the 157th District

Author: Alan Yockey

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