Support Clean Car Standards

From a subscriber:

The Issue:


Please consider forwarding the attached letter I drafted to urge the U.S. Congress to push back against President Trump and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s intention to reverse the Clean Air Act Fuel Efficiency Standards for cars.

I hope you feel motivated to reach out to your elected officials on this matter  – there may still be time to influence the administration on this policy. Sample text for the letter is included below.

To send the letter, print it out, sign it, stamp it (!) and mail – remember how that works 🙂

To email, go to their respective website; copy & paste content. (Links are below).

This does not strike me as a partisan issue – so friends of all stripes, please join me and speak up about setting ambitious federal policy goals for better fuel efficiency!

The Letter:

Dear Senator Toomey,

Please stand strong in support of clean car standards to help American consumers, including future generations, buy and drive fuel-efficient and less-polluting cars.

Please communicate to the Trump Administration and Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator, that America needs to be a leader by manufacturing and driving more fuel-efficient cars.  To be a leader, the Federal Government must hold firm to the 54.5 mpg fuel-efficiency standard established under the Clean Air Act.  (This would help drive average on-road fuel economy to 36-37 mpg by 2015 compared to today’s average of 21 mpg. Ref. Union of Concerned Scientists.)

This policy is essential in pushing auto companies to produce cars and light trucks with greater fuel efficiency by 2025.   These standards were developed using sound science and with broad industry input and seek to invoke America’s engineering ingenuity to create a better, more appealing environmentally-conscious car.  Americans love to drive.  A 54.5 mpg by 2025 policy will maintain our lifestyle without compromising our environmental ethic and maintain our quality of life — cleaner air and cost savings at the pump.

Please tell Scott Pruitt and President Trump,  “don’t reverse strong 54.5 fuel standards because every American deserves to own a car that gets better gas mileage”.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Member of Congress Website Links:

Bob Casey contact page

Pat Toomey contact page

Ryan Costello contact page

Author: Steve Lane

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