TTDems Chair Comments On November 8th Election Results

Congratulations to the candidates whom the voters have chosen to represent them. The challenges facing our community are significant and we wish the newly elected officeholders the best in facing them.

The Tredyffrin Dems stand ready to assist as we meet the issues facing our township, which we all care deeply about. We fielded candidates who were highly qualified in their professional backgrounds and who each had a solid record of service to this community. We believe it is the community’s loss that the exceptional skill sets of our candidates will not be more of a part of the governing bodies of this Township.

We are thrilled by the reelection of Karen Cruickshank to the School, and by the election of Analisa Sondergaard as District Magistrate. They personify the kind of reasoned candidates put forward by the Tredyffrin Democrats and they will serve the community well.

It was unfortunate that the election was defined by the Earned Income Tax myth. Even though there was no Earned Income Tax on any ballot this year, and even though all our Democratic candidates went on record as being opposed to an Earned Income Tax, the very threat of any tax increase had the usual effect of driving high Republican turnout and straight ticket voting by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats.

We remain committed to transparent, efficient and effective government for all the residents of our township.

Dariel Jamieson
Chairperson, Tredyffrin Democratic Committee

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
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Paoli, PA 19301


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