21% of Tredyffrin Dems are signed up to vote by mail in the general election
Check your Status if you believe you requested annual status
You can check your status on vote.pa.gov webpage.

Approved Ballot Request

No Approved Ballot Request
Your registration info and your status on vote by mail will be displayed after you provide identifying info.
Changed your address since you applied?
If you have an approved ballot request, have you moved or changed address since the primary. You must inform voter services of the change of address. Call or visit Chester County Voter Services.
601 Westtown Rd, Suite 150
West Chester, PA 19380-0990
No Approved Request? Apply Now So You are at the head of the line to receive your Ballot
Online is easiest.
If you prefer a paper application, call the Chester County Democratic Office 610-692-5811
College Students or High School Students and Parents
Has the student’s address changed since they applied. If Voter Services is not informed, the ballot will probably never arrive. Call Voter Services as soon as you have a new address. 610-344-6410
Eighteenth birthday between now and Election Day. You are eligible to vote. Submit your registration now.
- Be at least 18 years of age on or before the day of the next primary, special, municipal, or general election.
Again online is easiest if you have a PA drivers license. Click here to go to the application.
Everyone Else
Apply to vote by mail now. Still convenient, still easy, still secure, no worries about missing due to illness or last minute travel.