Please fill out the Comprehensive Plan survey
Tredyffrin Township is in the process of updating its comprehensive plan, which will guide important land use policies for the next ten years. The task force, comprised of your fellow citizens, would like your input as they seek to formulate strategies that can be implemented by the township. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following survey:
Come To A Petition Party!
Petition period 2020 is January 28 – February 18. In this period, candidates for office must gather petition signatures in order to be placed on the ballot. The number of signatures needed varies by office, from as few as 10-25 for local offices, up to thousands or tens of thousands for state and national offices. Petition parties are an important way candidates collect signatures for ballot access. If you have time, please plan...
Campaign 2020 kicks off with Bingo Night
Come help us kick off the vital 2020 campaigning season with a fun afternoon of Extreme Bingo, sponsored by the Chester County Democratic Committee. Meet the candidates • Mingle with friends • Enjoy good food • Have some fun
Next TTDems Meeting Wednesday Jan. 15, 7 PM
NOTE CHANGED LOCATION: The next meeting of the TTDems will take place at the Tredyffrin Library, building, on Wednesday January 15th at 7 PM. All are welcome!
New Supervisors Sworn In
On Monday, January 6, new Tredyffrin Supervisors Sharon Humble, K.S. Bhaskar and Julie Gosse (previously appointed, now elected) joined Supervisors Mark Freed, Kevin O’Nell, Matt Holt and current Chair Murph Wysocki. Congratulations to Tredyffrin’s new all-Democratic Board of Supervisors!