Tredyffrin Township Comprehensive Plan-Volunteers needed

Tredyffrin Township Comprehensive Plan-Volunteers needed

The 2020 Comprehensive Plan will be a policy tool to guide future growth and redevelopment in Tredyffrin Township. The plan will include goals and objectives, as well as recommendations for implementation in the areas of: land use, transportation, sidewalks and trails, historic preservation, housing needs, community facilities, and natural resources.  Plans are done every ten years. The last comprehensive plan was done in 2009/2010....

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Our State Senator, Andy Dinniman, States his Opinion of Digital Billboards

Our State Senator, Andy Dinniman, States his Opinion of Digital Billboards

From his Facebook page: While we’re on the subject of digital billboards, Catalyst also wants to put one at the intersection of Route 252-Lancaster Pike in Paoli. As you can probably tell, I’m no fan of these things. I know they have their place, but I don’t think ad dollar$ should come at the expense of traffic safety or local history. Oh, I think they pretty ugly, too. Supposedly, this is the “future of...

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee Announces Changes in Leadership

Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee Announces Changes in Leadership

Kathleen Keohane Announces her Resignation as Chair of TTDems After 5 ½ years, I am stepping down and moving to Florida. Though looking forward to a new life chapter, I am sad to be leaving the wonderful community I have called home for 33 years. I’m very pleased to announce that our vice-chair, Jerry Henige and long-time committeeperson extraordinaire, Alan Yockey are taking on the leadership roles in our organization and will...

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Too Many Absentee Ballots are Invalidated

Too Many Absentee Ballots are Invalidated

The state’s tight deadlines mean that it invalidates ballots at a rate 11 times that of the nation as a whole.   1 out of 25 absentee ballots arrived late and were not counted. Do not let this happen to you. With less than 100 days to the election, now is a good time to check your calendar. Where will you be on November 5? Where will other members of your family be? If there is any chance, you will be away-Send in your...

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Good Times-Local Democrats enjoyed Conversation, Food, Wilson Park

Good Times-Local Democrats enjoyed Conversation, Food, Wilson Park

Over 120 local Democrats enjoyed a summer evening in Wilson Park. Many local and county candidates were in attendance. The picnic is a summer tradition. If you missed it this year, please join us next year.     Many thanks to Diane for organizing such a great event.   Many Thanks to Marshall’s Deli for providing platters of hoagies. Many thanks to all the volunteers. Many thanks to all who brought salads, desserts...

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Tredyffrin Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 251
Paoli, PA 19301


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