Fifty Days till the Election
Make a Plan
Will you be away on November 7th? Reading about possible Covid surge this fall?
Continued Excellence in TE Schools
Conestoga High School Leads PA with Fifty National Merit Semifinalists
Conestoga High Supporting Freedom of the Press
State Senator Comitta, PA. Representative Shusterman introduce law to empower student journalists Legislation calling for stronger protections for student journalists was supported by students from Conestoga High School at a press conference in Harrisburg. “A free press is fundamental to our democracy. That’s why it’s so important that we empower and inspire the next generation of journalists to use their voices with accountability,...
Vote by Mail Ballots are Arriving
30,000 ballots were mailed to Chester County Voters early this week. You still have time to apply to vote by mail. Go to chestervotes To assist you in filling out the ballot, Tredyffrin Township has sample ballots with the endorsed candidates clearly marked. Sample Ballot – Tredyffrin Township Democrats ( Also you can find pictures and bios of endorsed candidates here.2023 Democratic Candidates – Tredyffrin...
Sign up for a petition signing party!
Our petition signing events are ready to go. Now we just need YOU to help our candidates get on the ballot!
Ballots and Dropboxes Arrive on October 12, 2021
Chester County Announces First Batch of Ballots and DropBoxes to arrive on October 12, 2021. Tredyffrin and Easttown voters can drop ballots at the Easttown Library.