Storm Water Task Force Public Forum Jan. 7
Rainstorms have become heavier and more intense, so Tredyffrin Supervisors have recently authorized a Stormwater Citizens Advisory Task Force to help improve management of the associated stormwater runoff. All residents can get involved. The Task Force will hold its first public forum on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 7 pm at the Tredyffrin Township Building. Topics include rainfall trends, stormwater runoff, watersheds, Township...
Newly Elected School Board Members Sworn In
Monday evening, December 2nd New members were sworn in by Reverend Scott Dorsey, president of the board from 2017-2019. Michele Burger was elected President of the School Board. Dr. Roberta Hotinski was elected vice president. Tredyffrin and Easttown residents are grateful for the hard work and dedication of the outgoing members- Kate Murphy and Ed Sweeney. Reverend Scott Dorsey administers the oath to newly elected school board...
Big Turnout Powers Democratic Victories
Large turnout increases benefited Democratic candidates at the township and county levels in the elections of November 5, 2019. The large turnout drove a third straight year of impressive Democratic victories.
Fundraiser-New Location St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Devon
Same time-8:30 am-and date-October 12-but new location Our Breakfast was to be held at the YMCA. Location has changed. Fundraiser will be held at: St. Luke’s Lutheran Church 203 N Valley Forge Rd Devon, PA 19333 Afterwards our candidates will fan out across Tredyffrin to knock doors. They would love company. If you can please stay and you will be matched with a team of candidates and a walklist. Great way to get rid of...
Poll Workers needed-Help Voting Process in your Community
Poll Workers needed for the upcoming election on November 5th Please consider becoming a poll worker in your voting precinct. You get to hang out with friendly people, say hi to your neighbors, and help the community. Shifts are usually four hours, six hours or full day, and are paid (a minimal amount). To be eligible as a poll worker, you must be registered to vote in Chester County. If you are interested, click on...